Peer-Reviewed Publications

Mesa, H. and Soliz, A. (2023). How community college students leverage resources and overcome challenges to achieve transfer goals. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Soliz, A. (2023). Career and technical education at community colleges: A review of the literature. AERA Open.

Soliz, A. & Mesa, H. (Accepted). Improving community college to university transfer. Education Finance and Policy. Working Paper Version.

Soliz, A., DeLoach, C., & Mesa, H. (2023). How do community and technical colleges build cross-sector collaborations? The Journal of Higher Education.

Soliz, A. & Ecton, W. (2022). The role of stimulus funding in increasing and improving vocational training at community colleges. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

DeLoach, C., Soliz, A., & Mesa, H. (2022). Building community and technical college capacity through state funding. Community College Review.

Evans, B., Boatman, A., & Soliz, A. (2019). Framing and labeling effects in preferences for borrowing for college: An experimental analysis. Research in Higher Education.

Soliz, A. (2018).  The effects of the expansion of for-profit colleges on student enrollments and outcomes at community colleges. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Boatman, A. & Soliz, A. (2018). Community college pathways: Factors affecting persistence and degree attainment at public two-year colleges.  Education Finance and Policy.

Boatman, A., Evans, B., & Soliz, A. (2017). Understanding loan aversion.  AERA Open.

Other Recent Papers

Jepsen, C. and Soliz, A. (2024). The Multiple Missions of Community Colleges. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press.

Minaya, V., and Soliz, A. (2024). The Economic Returns to Master’s Degrees: Evidence from a Large, Urban Public University System. Washington, D.C.: Postsecondary Equity and Economics Research Project.

* The names of student coauthors are underlined.